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Bloggers & Vloggers

Do you have a travel tip or a story you feel would add value to a vacation?

If the answer is YES, please send an email and your blog to Your blog will be reviewed and if it meets our criteria, Vacations Priced Right will promote your story along with a link to your blog on your website!

Submission Guidelines Below

Why Collaborate with Us?


We Support your Business

In order for our business to succeed, we need your business to succeed!  As experienced travelers and bloggers, we know how important growing your business is and we want to help!


Everyone Benefits

Our members want to learn from the best. If you have some insights you want to share…they want to hear from you! In return, we are confident that your free exposure to new readers from all over the world will help to gain followers and increase your business!



Please submit each blog or link to your blog via email to with the following Subject line. Articles without the subject lines may get missed and therefore not promoted. 

Subject Line: BLOG – xxx (destination)  xxx (subject)  

Example: BLOG – Vancouver, BC  Food


Information received must add value while visiting that destination. For example, we are interested in any information regarding cost savings, must do activities, best hotels, not to miss restaurants, tips for the area, possible travel routes, etc. Any general information about a destination will most likely not get published.

 We want to get to know you! If this is your first time submitting a story, please provide us with a brief introduction of yourself and what your travelling experience is.

 Due to the heavy volume, please do not submit more than 4 articles per month

 All blogs will include a link to the blog on your website. Your blog will be available until the information is no longer relevant or new information develops. You will be notified if your story and link are removed or replaced from our site.

 All stories submitted will receive a response within 72 business hours stating if it will be published. If it will not be published, you will be notified.

 We are happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Please send an email to and we will get back to you within 48 business hours.



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