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Inside the Club

The Learning Centre

Our Learning Centre has been created to teach novice travelers everything they need to know to travel anywhere in the world. We share our knowledge with our members from our own personal experiences in order for them to travel confidently and at a price they can afford.   

Recommended Resources

To save you a lot of research hours, we provide you with the best links on how to find information on the web.  Examples: where and how to apply for Evisas,  registering your vacation with the Embassy when you are out of country, luggage storage around the world etc.


Learn step by step how to use the latest travel apps to make you a confident traveler.  From transportation apps to budgeting apps, it’s all here!

Tips and Information

Everything you will want to know before planning your trip. The dos and don’ts from travel experts who have been there/done that. Examples: How to be confident when hailing a cab, how to choose an all-inclusive resort, what you need to know before booking a cruise.


Recommended companies that you can subscribe to via email, Facebook or Twitter that provide excellent weekly deals on airfares, cruises, and vacations. These are sites that we personally subscribe to to get the great deals!


Create your own profile to meet and communicate with other VPR members on a personal level.


Get to know other club members and meet new friends!

Trip Planning Workbook

Our one-of-a-kind Trip Planning Workbook takes you step by step through planning and booking your vacation. We walk you through everything you need to know such as planning a trip itinerary, what paperwork you may require when leaving your country, what to think about before booking your vacation, how to book accommodations in the right area at your destination(s), and what apps to use – you’ll wonder how you ever vacationed without them! With 8 different topics and 25 worksheets to guide and keep you organized, you’ll be able to confidently execute a fantastic do-it-yourself vacation!

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