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About Us

Vacations Priced Right is a fun and interactive travel club that is designed to be a ONE STOP TRAVEL EXPERIENCE for our members.

We have three different categories to our clubs:  

Social – meet ups, day trips, and vacation with other members  

Learning Center – how to use and apply the latest technology to enhance your travel experience 

Knowledge – how to apply experiences and advice from travelers who have “been there done that”

When I was working on the idea for Vacations Priced Right, my vision was to create a travel club that was social, fun and interactive; a club that I would want to be apart of. With this website, I believe I have accomplished this. By bringing Cheryl on board as my partner, and combining our business experience, customer service skills, passion for life and travel, we have created a vacation club that offers something for everyone!  Our club teaches our members how to find the best travel deals and how to put amazing trips together. We gather all the information from the web to bring you the best of the best so you can book your vacations with confidence and at a price you can afford.  


Members will be a part of a vacation community that can communicate with each other through our interactive forums, profiles, meet ups and group vacations. Our members will have the opportunity to travel to a variety of destinations with other members while learning first hand how to put all the information we teach into practice. You also will be able to take advantage of group pricing for annual All-Inclusive group vacations (departing from Vancouver BC)

Learning Center

No matter where you live or where you want to travel to you will love our Learning Center which can be accessed 24/7. We feel our learning center is one of the things that makes us unique. It actually TEACHES you how to use the latest travel technology in a step by step format (using Outlook, Chrome & Android). You will learn how to install and use apps that we feel are ‘must haves’ for every traveler. We are able to share this knowledge with you from our own personal experience and only provide what we feel is the best information.


Our club provides tips from people who have been there/done that, as well as a ton of resources to use when booking your trips. In summary, you will learn some tips and tricks of the travel industry and useful information that will make your vacation stress-free!


VIP All Access Travel Club 

For those of you that want a little assistance, our VIP All Access Travel club includes everything mentioned above plus some added benefits such as personal consultation time and priority booking options. 


Whether you’re looking for new friendships, ideas on where to travel, or learning new skills, we hope you join our club and be inspired to turn your dream vacations into reality!

Spend Less….Vacation More!

We look forward to meeting you!   

 In friendship,


Wendy Pellerin

Founder – Vacations Priced Right


Elana Macedonia 2



Part of our mission is to give back by supporting the locals both at home and in the communities we visit. By connecting our members with these people and businesses, we can enhance our members experiences and give back to the communities they are visiting.  


I am Elena, a young Macedonian tour guide, travel blogger and photographer. I am trying to show the beauty of my country but also to tell you the real situation in my city and how it is to live here. Since last year I invent the first photo walking tour in Skopje and I am trying to offer an unforgettable and unique experience to the people who are visiting my city
You can find more information about my work on my website

Elana Macedonia

Cheryl and Wendy first met in 1988. Wendy was in high school while she was working at a 3 month practicum at the dental office where Cheryl worked. They became friends and although their lives have taken different paths over the years fate has reconnected them in unexpected ways.

Fast forward a few years from their dental office days and they were back together working as entrepreneurs for an up and coming home décor company.  Throughout these years,  they were both very successful;  and  they both earned many all expense paid incentive trips as bonuses for reaching their goals. They not only worked together, but travelled together.

Once again their lives took different paths and over the next 10 years, they lived in opposite ends of the province and worked for different companies in the corporate world. Both held leadership positions that required excellent customer service abilities as well as relationship and team building skills. During this time, they continued to travel with their families on their vacations

Today, more than 30 years after they met, they are reconnecting for their most exciting adventure yet!  They invite you to be apart of their vision by joining a community of like minded travellers who want to vacation at a comfort level they are accustomed to for the lowest price possible.  “Spend Less – Vacation More!”


As long as Wendy can remember, she always dreamed of travelling the world. Her very first overseas adventure to Thailand was a life changer for her. After an overnight stay in the jungle she wanted a life full of adventure and experiences. Her mom used to tell her to come down from the clouds and Wendy’s answer was always “Why?” Now, almost 30 years later, she has travelled to over 50 countries with a goal of reaching 60 in the next few years. She brings to you her knowledge and experience about teaching others how she finds the best travel deals and how different apps and the internet has made travelling easier than ever. Wendy created Vacations Priced Right to help others be able to travel to places they only dreamed of that may have previously been too far out of budget. “By putting vacations together on your own rather than booking group tours, these trips become much more affordable and you are able to travel at a pace and price that you can afford.” 

Wendy’s travelling experiences include cruising, all inclusive vacations, group travel, vacation rentals, as well as backpacking solo for months at a time. Wendy is comfortable in a 5 star resort or sharing a room with 18 people in a hostel. In Wendy’s free time, you can find her researching her own travel vacations or organizing activities for her friends such as the Amazing Race or a games night. She enjoys golfing, board games, watching Netflix, and just hanging out with friends. Wendy loves meeting people and experiencing the different cultures all over the world. Her vision is to help as many members as she can turn their vacation dreams into reality. Wendy has one son and resides in Abbotsford, BC.


Cheryl has always loved discovering new places. She and her husband Bill’s first family vacation was to Hawaii when their sons were just 3 and 4 years old. Since then Cheryl has vacationed in, Cuba, Mexico, many of the Caribbean Islands, Panama, New Zealand, Ireland as well as several provinces and states in the US and Canada.

Over the years work opportunities have allowed Cheryl and her family to live in many parts of BC. She loves exploring her surroundings, spending time with family, friends, meeting new
people and hanging out in nature. Living in BC has been the ideal location for Cheryl. In the summer you can find her hiking, biking, kayaking or dragon boating and in the winter she loves to explore the outdoors on snowshoes or cross country skis.

Cheryl is an entrepreneur at heart and is passionate about helping people succeed. She’s owned two businesses and spent many years working in the corporate world.
Cheryl’s vision is to use her business experience and expertise to help create a captivating platform and to share her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors with other Vacations Priced Right members and their families.  Cheryl and Bill have two sons, two daughters-in-law and 5 grand children who all live in BC.



Let our research save you time, money and take the stress out of planning your vacations.


Let our passion for travel inspire you to want to experience the world for yourself.



We look forward to meeting you!

meet us 1

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